“On Palm Sunday, the church commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, but there is a better way of receiving the King than throwing cloaks and waving palm branches...”
Luke 19:28-40 (and Luke 19:1-10; Luke 18:9-30)
Proud Christian
"Success, pride, and entitlement have a way of blinding you and me..."
Esther 5:7-10
“Sin has marred our understanding of what it means to be made in the image of God..”
Esther 4:14-17
Foolish King and Faithful God
"How do we grow from being a good leader to a great one?"
Esther 3:13-15
God's Flawless Purpose
“God works through even our imperfect decisions and actions to fulfill his perfect purposes...”
Esther 2:1-18
Power, Pomp, and Promise
"Despite the great power and pomp of the Persian empire, it could never frustrate the promise of God"
Esther 1:1-12
Arise, Shine, Glory
'"Arise" is a call to take steps of faith...'
Isaiah 60:1-3
Let Compassion Motivate
"Missions is motivated by Jesus' compassion for people..."
Matthew 9:35-38
Saved Together
“Those who love their dream of a Christian community more than they love the Christian community itself become destroyers of that Christian community even though their personal intentions may be ever so honest, earnest and sacrificial.”
Romans 12:1-5
Work in Awe
"Work has always been a part of God's good, original design for us and AWE OF GOD can help restore work to its proper place..."
Genesis 2:5-8;15