“Isaiah 40 re-centers and re-aligns our beliefs and returns us to God’s way of looking at the world…”
Isaiah 40
Symptoms of Awelessness part 2
"Everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen--all the joys and challenges and everything in between--happens under God's sovereign authority!"
Genesis 27:5-10
Arrival of the King
"How are you and I living between the 'already' and the 'not yet'?"
Matthew 2:10-11
Symptoms of Awelessness
"At a deep and often unnoticed level, sin replaces worship of GOD with worship of ME."
Jonah 3:10-4:3
Restoring Awe
"Getting to the root of the issue..."
Genesis 3:1-7 / Romans 1:21-25
Let Us Lament
"Why we lament and what it accomplishes..."
Lamentations 3:19-25
How Love Works
"Love is not mere affection but a deed--a deed of laying down our lives for others."
1 John 3:16-17; 4:7-8
Worthy of Our Joy
"Prepare the way of the Lord who is worthy of our joy"
Luke 3:4-10
More Than Peace
"Biblical peace is not a mere absence of war but a call to participate in the life of Jesus..."
Luke 2:8-16
Redefining Hope
“Hope: it is the expectation of coming good based on the character and promise of God”
John 1:1-5; 21:15-17