"Joyless christianity will wilt under the pressures of life..."
Matthew 13:44-46
The power of the seed
"He is the farmer and it’s His seed that changes everything..."
Mark 4:1-8
Go Deeper
No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God...
Luke 9:57-62
Abiding in Jesus
To abide in Christ as the True Vine is to make our home in Him, just as He also makes his abode in us...
John 15:1-8
Deliverance is Already at the Door
"Resting in God’s great love that set us free..."
Acts 12:1-24
The Message By Which We Are Saved
"The Good News of God’s love is a message of repentance..."
Acts 9:1-9
Seeing the Way God Sees
"This is what makes or breaks our Christian community..."
Acts 9:1-9
Crossing Borders
“God crosses borders of culture, race, and differences to bring life and joy of salvation…”
Acts 8:26-40
The Dangers of Transactional Faith (Acts)
“Jesus is not our genie…”
Acts 8:9-13; 18-24
The Gift of Trials (Acts)
"Persecution is what fuels the growth of the gospel..."
Acts 8:1-3